Head of the Laboratory -
Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor A.A. Burenin


Researchers - 10,
Dr. Sc. - 2,
PhD - 7.

The Laboratory was founded by outstanding scientists in Mechanics Academician V.P. Myasnikov and Professor G.I. Bykovtsev in 1988.

Main research directions

  • Dynamics of deformable media at shock impact.
  • Problems of the theory of large elasto-plastic deformations.
  • Modeling of media with complex rheological properties.
  • Development of numerical-analytical methods for solving nonstationary boundary-value problems of deformation dynamics.
  • Development of a new technology to break hexogen-containing utilized ammunition.

Principal results

  • The features of wave processes in nonlinear elastic media have been studied.
  • The model of large elasto-plastic deformation with regard to temperature and viscous effects has been designed.
  • A new technology to break hexogen-containing utilized ammunition has been developed.

Representative publications

  1. Burenin A.A., Bykovtsev G.I., Kovtanyuk L.V. One simple model for elasto-plastic medium at finite deformations // DAN. 1996. V. 347, № 2.
  2. Burenin A.A., Kovtanyuk L.V., Polonik M.V. Possibility of repeated plastic flow at general unloading of elasto-plastic medium. // DAN. 2000. V. 375, № 6. P. 767-769.
  3. Burenin A.A., Kovtanyuk L.V., Polonik M.V. Forming of one-dimensional field of residual stresses in the vicinity of uniformity cylindrical defect of elasto-plastic media // PMM. 2003. V. 67, Issue 2. Pp. 316-325.
  4. Burenin A.A., Ragozina V.E. Building approximate solutions of boundary-value problems of shock deformation // Newsletters of RAS. MTT. 2006. № 6.
  5. Patent 2270976 RU, MPK F42B 33/06, C06B 21/00 (Russia). Method to break ammunition /Kornienko V.M., Burenin A.A., Konchakov E.I., Levin V.A., Makarova N.V., Troitsky A.S. № 2004126603/02. Appl. 01.09.2004. Published 27.02.2006. Bull. № 6.

Since1989 the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Informatics is working on the basis of the Laboratory.

The Laboratory actively cooperates with the academician institutes of Siberian and Ural Branches of RAS, with the institutes and enterprises in Komsomolsk - na - Amure.