in foreign press
Publications in foreign press
- Azatyan S.G., Utas O.A., Denisov N.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A. Variable termination of MnSi/Si(111)√3×√3 films and its effect on surface properties // Surface Science. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier science BV. 2011. Vol. 605. Iss. 3-4.
P. 289-295. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2010.10.031.
- Batalov R.I., Bayazitov R.M., Valeev V.F., Galkin N.G., Goroshko D.L., Galkin K.N., Chusovitin E.A., Gaiduk P.I., Ivlev G.D., Gatskevich E.I. Formation of nanocrystalline CrSi2 layers in Si by ion implantation and pulsed annealing // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11. P. 43-46.
- Devyatisilniy A.S., Chislov K.A. Model of gravimetric satellite-inertial navigation system integrated on the basis of an interpretation of the D'Alembert principle // Measurement Techniques. USA. New York: Springer New York Consultants Bureau. 2011. Vol. 53, No.12. P. 1316-1321.
- Digo G.B., Digo N.B. Approximation of domains of serviceability and attainability of control system on the basis of the inductive approach // Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications. USA. San Diego: International group on reliability. 2011. Vol. 2, No.2. P. 41-46.
- Dotsenko S.A., Fomin D.V., Galkin K.N., Goroshko D.L., Galkin N.G. Growth, optical and electrical properties of Ca2Si film growth on Si(111) and Mg2Si/Si(111) substrates // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11.
P. 95-98.
- Dozsa L., Lanyi S., Rainevi V., Giannazza F., Galkin N.G. Microscopic study of electrical properties of CrSi2 nanocrystals in silicon // Nanoscale Research Letters. USA. New York: Springer-Verlag. 2011. Vol. 6, No.1. P. 209-213. DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-6-209.
- Filaretov V.F., Gubankov S.A. Synthesis of Adaptive Control System for Formation of Program Speed of Multilink Manipulator // Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. India, Chennai, Springer-Verlag (Scientific Publishing Services Pvt.). V.132. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. V. 1. P. 347-350. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25899-2.
- Galkin K.N., Galkin N.G. Silicon overgrowth atop low-dimensional Mg2Si on Si(111): structure, optical and thermoelectrical properties // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11. P. 55-58.
- Galkin K.N., Kumar M., Shivaprasad S.M., Galkin N.G. AES and EELS study of desorption of magnesium silicide films on Si(111) // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11. P. 51-54.
- Galkin K.N., Kumar M., Shivaprasad S.M., Galkin N.G. The model of the magnesium silicide phase (2/3√3'2/3√3)-R30o on Si(111) // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11. P. 47-50.
- Galkin N.G., Astashynski V.M. , Chusovitin E.A., Galkin K.N., Dergacheva T.A., Kuzmitski A.M., Kostyukevich E.A. Ultra high vacuum growth of CrSi2 and b-FeSi2 nanoislands and Si top layers on the plasma modified monocrystalline silicon surfaces // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11. P. 39-42.
- Galkin N.G., Chusovitin E.A., Shamirsaev T.S., Gutakovski A.K., Latyshev A.V. Growth, structure and luminescence properties of multilayer Si/b-FeSi2_NCs/Si/…/Si nanoheterostructures // Thin Solid Films. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. Vol. 519. Iss. 24. P. 8480-8484.
- Galkin N.G., Dózsa L., Chusovitin E.A., Dotsenko S.A., Pécz B., Dobos L. Influence of CrSi2 nanocrystals on the electrical properties of Au/Si-p/CrSi2 NCs/Si(111)-n mesa-diodes // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11.
P. 35-38.
- Galkin N.G., Dózsa L., Chusovitin E.A., Pécz B., Dobos L. Migration of CrSi2 nanocrystals through nanopipes in the silicon cap // Applied Surface Science. USA. Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2010. Vol. 256. Iss.23. P. 7331-7334.
- Geints Yu.E., Kabanov A.M., Zemlyanov A.A., Bykova E.E., Bukin O.A., Golik S.S. Kerr-driven nonlinear refractive index of air at 800 and 400nm measured through femtosecond laser pulse filamentation // Applied physics letters. USA. New York: American Institute of Physics. 2011. V. 99. Is. 18. Article number 181114. DOI: 10.1063/1.3657774.
- Geints Yu.E., Zemlyanov A.A., Kabanov A.M., Bykova E.E., Apeksimov D.V., Bukin O.A., Sokolova E.V., Golik S.S., Ilyin A.A. Angular diagram of broadband emission of millimeter-sized water droplets exposed to gigawatt femtosecond laser pulses // Applied optics. USA. Washington: Optical Society of America. 2011. Vol. 50.
P. 5291-5298.
- Goroshko D.L., Galkin K.N., Galkin N.G. Influence of Si(111)√3x√3-R30o-Sb surface phase on the formation and conductance of low-dimensional magnesium silicide layer on Si(111) substrate // Physics Procedia Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010. Сер. "Asia-Pacific Conference on Semiconducting Silicides Science and Technology Towards Sustainable Optoelectronics, APAC-SILICIDE 2010" Tsukuba. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. № 11. P. 91-94.
- Goroshko D.L., Galkin N.G., Gouralnik A.S. Influence of the Si(100)-c(4x12)-Al surface phase on formation and electrical properties of thin iron films // Journal of Applied Physics. USA. Melville: American Institute of Physics. 2010. Vol. 107.
P. 063709-7.
- Gouralnik A.S., Galkin N.G., Ivanov V.A., Cherednichenko A.I., Plotnikov V.S., Pustovalov E.V. Effect of deposition rate and a-Si precursor on optical and magnetic properties of iron films on silicon substrates // Thin Solid Films. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2011. Vol. 519. Iss. 24.
P. 8520-8523.
- Gruznev D.V., Matetskiy A.V., Bondarenko L.V., Borisenko E.A., Tsukanov D.A., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A. Structural transformations in (Au,In)/Si(111) system and their effect on surface conductivity // Surface Science. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier science BV. 2011. Vol. 605, № 15-16. P. 1420-1425. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.05.004.
- Gruznev D.V., Matetskiy A.V., Gvozd I.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A. C(60) adsorption onto the one-atomic-layer In films on Si(111) surface // Surface Science. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier science BV. 2011. Vol. 605. Iss. 23-24. P. 1951-1955. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.07.008.
- Gruznev D.V., Matetskiy A.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A., Chou J.P., Wei C.M., Wang Y.L. Interplay between adsorbed C(60) fullerenes and point defects on a Si(111)root 3 x root 3-In reconstructed surface // Surface Science. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier science BV. 2011. Vol. 605, Iss. 23-24. P. 2050-2054. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.08.003.
- Ivanov Yu.P., Ilin A. I., Davydenko A.V., Zotov A.V. Optimal Cu buffer layer thickness for growing epitaxial Co overlayers on Si(111)7×7 // Journal of Applied Physics. USA. Melville: American Institute of Physics. 2011. Vol. 110. Iss. 8.
P. 083505-6. DOI: 10.1063/1.3651598.
- Kachur V.A. Influence of atmospheric correction on calculation accuracy of sea reflecting capacity in SeaDAS program complex // Atmosphere Aerosol, Phytoplankton and its Influence on Climate Forming in the Pacific Ocean: Measurement New Methods. UK. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2011. P.23-28.
- Kleshchev A.S. How Can Ontologies Contribute to Software Development? // Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Processing and Data Analysis. Germany. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2011. Vol. 6581 LNAI. P. 121-135.
- Kleshchev A.S., Smagin S.V. The role of internal and external evaluation of properties of methods for the inductive formation of knowledge // Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics. Москва: Allerton Press, Inc. 2011. Vol. 45, No 2. P. 91-106.
- Kulchin Yu., Vitrik O., Kraeva N. Noncontact Laser Method for Monitoring the Parameters of Hydroacoustic Vibrations // Pacific Science Review. Korea. Yongin: Kangnam University. 2011. Vol. 13, N.3. Р. 131-133.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Dzyuba V.P., Voznesenskiy S.S. Threshold Optical Nonlinearity of Dielectric Nanocomposite // Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites. Croaria. Rijeka: InTech Publ. 2011. Ch.12. P. 261-289.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Vitrik O.B., Bezverbniy A.V., Pustovalov E.V., Kuchmizhak A.A., Nepomniaschiy A.V. Cavity-based Fabry-Perot probe with protruding subwavelength aperture // Optics Letters. USA. Washington: Optical Society of America. 2011. Vol. 36. Iss. 20. P. 3945-3947.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Vitrik O.B., Dyshlyuk A.V., Shalagin A.M., Babin S.A., Nemov I.N. Differential reflectometry of FBG sensors in the wide spectral range // Laser Physics. Moscow: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. V. 21. Iss.2. P. 304-307. DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X11030066.
- Kulchin Yu.N.,Bezverbny A.V., Bukin O.A., Voznesensky S.S., Golik S.S., Mayor A.Yu., Shchipunov Yu.A., Nagorny I.G. Nonlinear optical properties of biomineral and biomimetical nanocomposite structures // Laser Physics. Moscow: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 21. Iss.3. P. 630-636. DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X11050136.
- Lai M.Y., Chou J.P., Utas O.A., Denisov N.V., Kotlyar V.G., Gruznev D., Matetsky A., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A., Wei C.M., Wang Y.L. Broken Even-Odd Symmetry in Self-Selection of Distances between Nanoclusters due to the Presence or Absence of Topological Solitons // Physical Review Letters. USA. American Physical Society. 2011. Vol. 106. Iss. 16. P. 166101(4). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.166101.
- Levin V.A., Lutsenko N.A. Modeling unsteady two-dimensional gas flows in self-heating solid waste dumps // Fluid Dynamics. USA. New York: Springer New York Consultants Bureau. 2011. V. 46, № 5. P. 826-834.
- Levin V.A., Nadkrinichnyi L.V. Numerical Investigation of Surface Wave Generation upon Solid Body Immersion in Water // Fluid Dynamics. USA. New York: Springer New York Consultants Bureau. 2011. V. 46, No.4. P. 658-664.
- Luniakov Y.V. First principle simulations of the surface diffusion of Si and Me adatoms on the Si(111)√3×√3-Me surface, Me = Al, Ga, In, Pb // Surface Science. Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier science BV. 2011. Vol. 605. Iss. 19-20. P. 1866-1871. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.06.027.
- Matetskiy A.V., Gruznev D.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A. Modulated C60 monolayers on Si(111)√3×√3-Au reconstructions // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter And Materials Physics. USA. American Physical Society. 2011. Vol. 83, No.19. P. 195421-7. DOI: 10.1103/ PhysRevB.83.195421.
- Panov A.V. Contribution of dipolar interactions to third-order nonlinear dielectric susceptibility of nanocomposites // Optics Letters. USA. Washington: Optical Society of America. 2010. Vol. 35. Iss.11. P. 1831-1833.
- Panov A.V. Effect of defocusing thermal nonlinearity on Gaussian beam profile in Fabry-Perot cavity // Optik (International Journal for Light and Electron Optics). Germany. Jena: Urban & Fischer Verlag, Elsevier GMBH. 2011. Vol. 122. Iss. 1.
P. 6-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2009.09.014.
- Romashko R.V., Grachev A.I., Kulchin Y.N., Kamshilin A.A. Fast photogalvanic response of a Bi12SiO20 crystalby femtosecond laser pulses // Optics express. USA. Washington: Optical Society of America. 2010. Vol. 18, No.26. P. 27142-27154.
- Romashko R.V., Kulchin Y.N. Multi-channel adaptive interferometers based on dynamic hologram multiplexing // Advanced Holography - Metrology and Imaging. Croaria. Rijeka: InTech Publ. 2011. P. 103-136.
- Romashko R.V., Kulchin Y.N., Kamshilin A.A. Polarization-insensitive adaptive interferometer based on orthogonal three-wave mixing in photorefractive crystal // Pacific Science Review. Korea. Yongin: Kangnam University. 2011. V. 13, N. 3.
Р. 226-228.
- Solov'eva T.F., Likhatskaya G.N., Khomenko V.A., Stenkova A.M., Kim N.Y., Portnyagina O.Y., Novikova O.D., Trifonov E.V., Nurminski E.A., Isaeva M.P. A Novel OmpY Porin From Yersinia Pseudotuberculosis: Structure, Channel-Forming Activity and Trimer Thermal Stability // Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. USA. New York: Adenine Press. 2011. Vol. 28, No.4. P. 517-533.
- Tsukanov D.A., Ryzhkova M.V., Borisenko E.A., Bondarenko L.V., Matetskiy A.V., Gruznev D.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A. Effect of C60 layer on the growth mode and conductance of Au and Ag films on Si(111)√3-Au and Si(111)√3-Ag surfaces // Journal of Applied Physics. USA. Melville: American Institute of Physics. 2011. Vol. 110. Iss.9. P. 093704-5. DOI: 10.1063/1.3658019.
- Veremeichik G.N., Shkryl Y.N., Bulgakov V.P., Shedko S.V., Kozhemyako V.B., Kovalchuk S.N., Krasokhin V.B., Zhuravlev Y.N., Kulchin Yu.N. Occurrence of a Silicatein Gene in Glass Sponges (Hexactinellida: Porifera) // Marine Biotechnology. USA. New York: Springer. 2011. V. 13. Is.4. P. 810-819. DOI: 10.1007/s10126-010-9343-6.
- Zhdanova O.L., Frisman E.Ya. Nonlinear population dynamics: complication of the age structure influences transition to chaos scenarios // Biology Bulletin Reviews. USA. New York: Maik Nauka/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 1, No. 5. P.395-406.
- Balashev V.V., Korobtsov V.V., Pisarenko T.A., Chebotkevich L.A. Growth of Fe3O4 Films on the Si(111) Surface Covered by a Thin SiO2 Layer // Technical Physics. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER. 2011. V. 56, N 10. P. 1501-1507.
- Balashev V.V., Korobtsov V.V., Pisarenko T.A., Chusovitin E.A., Galkin K.N. Study of ultrathin iron silicide films grown by solid phase epitaxy on the Si(001)surface. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER. 2010. Vol.52,
№ 2. P. 397-403.
- Bukin O.A., Bykova E.E., Geints Yu.E., Golik S.S., Zemlyanov A.A., Ilyin A.A., Kabanov A.M., Matvienko G.G., Oshlakov V.K., Sokolova E.B. Filamentation of a sharply focused ultrashort laser pulse at wavelengths of 800 and 400 nm: Measurements of the nonlinear index of air refraction // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. Moscow: Springer Science&Business Media. 2011. Vol. 24, N. 5. P. 417-424. DOI: 10.1134/S1024856011050046.
- Bukin O.A., Bykova E.E., Geints Yu.E., Golik S.S., Zemlyanov A.A., Ilyin A.A., Kabanov A.M., Matvienko G.G., Oshlakov V.K., Sokolova E.B., Khabibullin R.R. Interaction of GW laser pulses with liquid media. Part 2. Spectral and angular characteristics of scattering by millimeter water droplets // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. Moscow: Springer Science&Business Media. 2011.
- Bukin O.A., Nguen Suan An, Pavlov A.N., Stolyarchuk S.Yu., Shmirko K.A. Effect that Jet Streams Have on the Vertical Ozone Distributionand Characteristics of Tropopause Inversion Layer in the Far East Region // Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 47, No.5. P. 610-618. DOI: 10.1134/S0001433811050021.
- Voznesenskiy S.S., Kul'chin Yu.N., Galkina A.N. Biomineralization: A natural mechanism of nanotechnologies. Nanotechnologies in Russia. 2011. Vol. 6. N.1-2. P.43-78.
- Devyatisilniy A.S. Application of the D`Alembert Princiole to the Mobile Gravimetry Problem // Technical Physics/ USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER. 2011. Vol. 56, № 3. С. 418-420. DOI: 10.1134/S1063784211030054.
- Dzyuba V.P., Krasnok A.E., Kulchin Yu.N. Effect of quantum dot shape dispersion on their joint density of states // Technical Physics Letters. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 37, № 5. P. 431-434. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785011050117.
- Dzyuba V.P., Krasnok A.E., Kulchin Yu.N., Dzyuba I.V. A model of nonlinear optical transmittance for insulator nanocomposites // Semiconductors. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER. 2011. Vol. 45, № 3. P. 295-301.
- Zhdanova O.L., Frisman E.Ya. Nonlinear population dynamics: complication of the age structure influences transition to chaos scenarios // Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga. 2011. Vol. 72. Iss. 3. P. 214-228.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Vitrik O.B., Bezverbniy A.V., Pustovalov E.V., Kuchmizhak A.A., Nepomniaschiy A.V. Fibre Fabry-Perot cavity-based aperture probe for near-field optical microscopy systems // Quantum Electronics. England. Bristol: Turpion Ltd. 2011. Vol. 41, № 3. P. 249-252. DOI: 10.1070/QE2011v041n03ABEH014482.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Vitrik O.B., Bezverbniy A.V., Pustovalov E.V., Kuchmizhak A.A., Nepomniaschiy A.V. Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot microresonator for near-field optical microscopy systems // Crystallography Reports. USA. New York: Maik Nauka/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 56, № 5. P. 866-870.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Vitrik O.B., Gurbatov S.O. Effect of small variations in the refractive index of the ambient medium on the spectrum of a bent fibre-optic Fabry - Perot interferometer // Quantum Electronics. England. Bristol: Turpion Ltd. 2011. V. 41. Is. 9. P. 821-823. DOI: 10.1070/QE2011v041n09ABEH014677.
- Kulchin Yu.N., Vitrik O.B., Dzyuba V.P., Kraeva N.P. Relaxation of Nonequilibrium Nanoparticle Velocities in Liquid Medium // Technical Physics Letters. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 37, № 6. P. 571-574. DOI: 10.1134/S106378501106023X.
- Kulchin Y.N., Vitrik O.B., Dyshlyuk A.V., Gurbatov S.O. Amplitude modulation of guided radiation in single-mode fiber lightguides with a low normalized frequency due to seismic signals // Measurement techniques. USA. New York: Springer New York Consultants Bureau. 2011. Vol. 54, No.6. P. 655-659.
- Kulchin Y.N., Vitrik O.B., Dyshlyuk A.V., Shalagin A.M., Babin S.A., Nemov I.N. Differential multiplexing of fiber bragg gratings by means of optical time domain refractometry // Measurement techniques. USA. New York: Springer New York Consultants Bureau. 2011. Vol. 54, No.2. P. 170-174.
- Kul'chin Yu.N. Zinin Yu.A. Nagornyi I.G. Bragg fibers with matching layer // Technical Physics Letters. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 37, № 9. P. 870-872. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785011090240.
- КKulchin Yu.N. Zinin Yu.A. Nagornyi I.G. Voznesenskii S.S. Optical Properties of Modified Bragg Fiber-Optic Waveguides // Optics and Spectroscopy. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 111, № 5. P. 819-823.
- Nurminski E. A. Fejer algorithms with an adaptive step // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. USA. Springer Science+Business Media LLC. 2011. Vol. 51, No. 5. P. 741-750. DOI: 10.1134/S0965542511050137.
- Nurminskii E.A., Buryi A.A. Parker-Sochacki method for solving systems of ordinary differential equations using graphics processors // Numerical Analysis and Applications (Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki) / USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/ Interperiodica/ Springer. 2011. Vol. 14, No. 3. P. 277-290.
- Plyusnin N.I., Il'yashchenko V.M., Kitan S.A., Tarima N.A. Structural and phase transformations during initial stages of copper condensation on Si(001) // Journal of surface investigation: X-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 5. Is. 4. P. 734-745. DOI: 10.1134/S1027451011060140.
- Silkin V.A., Abakumov A.I., Pautova L.A., Mikaelyan A.S., Chasovnikov V.K., Lukashova T.A. Co-existence of non-native and the Black sea phytoplankton species. Invasion hypotheses discussion // Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol.2. No.4. P.256-264.
- Smirnov S.V. Internal Kelvin waves in a two-layer liquid model // Numerical Analysis and Applications (Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki). USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 244-257.
- Filaretov V.F., Yukhimets D.A. A Method for Forming Program Control for Velocity Regime of Motion of Underwater Vehicles along Arbitrary Spatial Trajectories with Given Dynamic Accuracy // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. USA. New York: MAIK NAUKA/Interperiodica/Springer. 2011. Vol. 50, No. 4. P. 673-682.
- Chipulis V.P. An estimate of the reliability of the results of measurements in heat supply systems using the equations of the balance of heat carrier consumption // Measurement Techniques. USA. New York: Springer New York Consultants Bureau. 2010. Vol. 53, No. 12. P. 1396-1403.
- Abramov O.V. Parallel algorithms for computing and optimizing reliability with respect to gradual failures // Automation and Remote Control. 2010. Vol. 71, № 7. Р. 1394-1402.
- Afonin A.V., Engel' M.V., Maior A.Yu., Pavlov A.N., Stolyarchuk S.Yu., Shmirko K.A., Bukin O.A. Results of integrated aerosol experiment in the continent-ocean transition zone (Primorye and the Sea of Japan). Part 2. Analysis of spatial and temporal variability of aerosol characteristics by satellite data and lidar measurements // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 2010. Vol. 23, № 09. Р. 811-819.
- Alekseev A.A., Kotlyar V.G., Utas O.A., Gruznev D.V., Matetskiy A.V., Zotov A.V., Saranin A.A. Atomic and electronic structures of Ag/Si(100)-c(6x2)-Ag surface: A first-principles study // Surface Science. Netherlands, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. 2010. Vol. 604. P. 1400-1405.
- Alexanin A.I., Alexanina M.G., Babyak P.V., Dyakov S.E., Tarasov G.V. Satellite Image Structure Analysis with the GRID Technologies // Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers. Germany, Heidelberg, Springer. 2010. Vol. 6083. P. 146-151.
- Apeksimov D.V., Bukin O.A., Bykova E.E., Geints Yu.E., Golik S.S., Zemlyanov A.A., Zemlyanov Al.A., Ilin A.A., Kabanov A.M., Matvienko G.G., Oshlakov V.K., Sokolova E.B. Interaction of GW laser pulses with liquid media. Part 1. Explosive boiling up of large isolated water droplets // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 2010. Vol. 23, № 07. P. 536-542.
- Balashev V.V., Korobtsov V.V., Pisarenko T.A., Chusovitin E.A., Galkin K.N. Study of Ultrathin Iron Silicide Films Grown by Solid Phase Epitaxy on the Si(001) Surface // Physics of the Solid State. 2010. Vol. 52, № 2. P. 397-403.
- Barkhudarov E.M., Berezhetskaya N.K., Zhuravskaya T.S., Kop'ev V.A., Kossyi I.A., Levin V.A. et al. An axisymmetric electric discharge as a means for remote heating of gas and for ignition of combustible gas mixture // High Temperature. 2010. Vol. 48, № 5. P. 620-628.
- Bukin O.A., Pavlov A.N., Saluk P.A., Golik S.S., Ilin A.A., Bubnovskii A.Yu. Laser technologies of the ocean research // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 2010. Vol. 23, № 10. Р. 926-934.
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