There are 12 Projects within the framework of the integration projects
with the Siberian and Ural Branches of RAS.
- Creation of the physical basics of a method of correlative processing of information speckle-signal of the single-fiber multimode interferometers (SMI) about magnetic intensity. The leader of the project - Corr. Member of RAS Yu.N. Kulchin.
- Development of the physical basics of element base of the optoelectronic information-measuring systems on the fiber-optic Bragg diffraction gratings. The leader of the project - Corr. Member of RAS Yu.N. Kulchin.
- Development of the models of complex nonlinear media, methods of their experimental support and effective algorithms of numerical realization. The leader of the project - Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.) A.A. Burenin.
- Physicomathematical modeling of detonation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous medium. The leader of the project - Academician V.A. Levin.
- Research into fundamental problems of creating intellectual underwater robots for studying and mastering mineralogical, biological and energetic ocean resources. Coordinator - Academician V.A. Levin.
- Creation of means of satellite ecologic monitoring of Siberia and Far East on a basis of the new information and telecommunication methods and technologies. The leader of the project - Academician V.A. Levin.
- Development of intellectual information technologies to generate and analyze knowledge for supporting fundamental scientific research in the field of natural sciences. The leader of the project - PhD (Tech.) I.L. Artemeva.
- Modern diagnostics of powerful electric-power equipment. The leader of the project - Dr.Sc.(Tech.) N.V. Kinsht.
- Thermodynamics of nanostructures and chaos. The leader of the project - Corr. Member of RAS M.A. Guzev.
- Physical mesomechanics and electronic engineering. The leader of the project - Corr. Member of RAS A.A. Saranin.
- Development of physical principles for creating silicon nanocrystal materials and construction of the instrumental structures on a basis of submicron silicon planar technology. The leader of the project - Corr. Member of RAS A.A. Saranin.
- Magnetotransport and spin-reoriented phase transitions in nanoheterostructures "metal-metal" and "semiconductor-metal". The leader of the project - Corr. Member of RAS A.A. Saranin.